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Below is a copy of how a form mail script should be configured in your HTML coding. It is placed after the Meta Key Information, directly inside the the beginning body section. The sections that are bolded are the only sections you will need to change within this script. Please make sure to begin each line with a "<" and end each line with a ">". The only exceptions are the lines that start with the exclamation marks (!). For an example form click here

form method="post" action=""
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="print_blank_fields" VALUE="1"
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="required" VALUE="name,email"
!-- The next fields are for the email to you -->
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="recipient" VALUE=""
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="subject" VALUE="Web Designer Contact Form"
!-- The next fields are for the courtesy reply -->
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="courtesy_reply_textb" VALUE="We appreciate your interest in our web designers. You will be contacted shortly."
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="courtesy_who_we_are" VALUE="Geekazoid and Friends, Inc."
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="courtesy_our_email" VALUE=""
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="courtesy_our_url" VALUE=""
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="courtesy_reply" VALUE="YES"
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="courtesy_reply_texta" VALUE=" Thank you for inquiring."
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="redirect" VALUE=""
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="db_delimiter" VALUE=","
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="db_fields" VALUE="name,email,comments"
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="append_db" VALUE="**to be assigned by Geekazoid**"(You will need to notify Geekazoid when you have completed the form information and how many forms you have created. At that time we will create the necessary path and filenames to capture the data to a comma separated file. Keep in mind this file is in addition to the e-mail that will be sent to your client. Once we have completed our side you will be notified of the path and file name to be added in this location.)

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Geekazoid & Friends, Inc.
PO BOX 61061, Las Vegas, NV 89160
Phone 702.433.GEEK (4335) Fax 702.436.9797

This page was last updated Thursday, April 26, 2007
©2003-2006 Geekazoid & Friends All Rights Reserved.